

The world of Kynheim is set in a dystopian future, where humans have been driven to the brink of extinction and retreated from their usual habitats. Overgrown structures, destroyed streets and empty buildings stand as a reminder of the past, all void of human presence. Nature has since re-claimed most of the land, part of which is the flourishing wolf population inhabiting the terrain west of a huge freshwater lake.


But not just wolves have risen from the ashes of human civilisation. With the final world war and its devastating measure of destruction, many animals have evolved in a way to prevent another uprise of humans to ever succeed again.


With an interplay of bombed areas causing geographical isolation, altered food chains due to the sudden presence of unprotected lifestock herds, a resurgence of insect populations as well as radiation that made parts of the world uninhabitable for life as we knew it, several species have undergone a new string of evolution. The result: an unexpected reversion to shapes known as prehistoric animals. Many species still do exist the way we know them, but some creatures have returned to these ancient forms, you better watch out on your way through Kynheim's terrain!

If you wish to explain locations for plots or backstories on the map, feel free to use the grid. For example Selcouth territory mostly covers E6-F6, the ominous bridge that is important to Taigarian culture is located at I5 and the largest single mountain on the map is the mountain in D4. This way it's easier to prevent misunderstandings.

Human Influence

All throughout the lands, even in Taiga territory despite their hatred towards anything human-made, one can stumble upon structures clearly built and abandoned by those two-legged demons. The remnants of their civilization range from whole overgrown buildings to hardly noticable gravestones. Metal, glass, plastic and other materials are scattered through the soil all over Kynheim. The many cars humans used to navigate the landscape lie abandoned on rifted roads, in open fields or most often close to ruins.


Power lines used to line the terrain like a heavy iron cobweb, but over time most towers have fallen and flattened. Some still hang by a thread or stand in resistance to the elements.